Our Services

Web Platforms
We can create custom-built enterprise web platforms which can be either CRM/ERM systems or bespoke e-Commerce platforms, platforms for management, business software, or any other custom platform in the enterprise domain of software. We can cater to all of your platform needs, whether you are looking to build a B2B, B2C or B2B2C business site.
1. We will organise a meeting with you to discuss your needs and what level of service you would be looking for. We will establish what Technology Readiness Level you are currently at and develop a plan to take you to the next level of development.
2. We will design the user-stories for your web platform, working cloesly with you to ensure reflects your business
3. We will begin to build your web database to provide you with a full functional web platform.

App Development
When we start building an app we start by thinking about what your requirements are, and choose the best technology based on your specifed use. After we choose the technology best suited to use, we begin prototyping and designing the UX/UI of the app, before integreating it with back-end APIs for functionality. Once completed, we can upload your app to the App Store and Google Play Store. We can build you a cost-effective ReactNative app (a development platform designed by Facebook) or we an develop full Native apps for both Android and iOS. We use all the latest technologies including JavaScript and Vue.js.
1. We organise a briefing with you
2. We begin to build the UX and UI
3. We integrate with back-end APIs
4. We upload to the App Store or Google Play Store

Prototype Development
Our prototypes are live web and mobile platforms that you can show to clients, investors and partners to help get your business on its feet. We can build a prototype in Figma or InVision, which will give you a real-world platform which allows for simple and easy communication of all of your main features. As a live platform, Figma will allow you to see the development of the platform, with full access to view any changes being made. Your chosen development team will have access to Figma and view all the HTML files, making for easy conversion into a real, live product.
1. We start by arranging a meeting with you to discuss exactly what you want, what your project is and your vision.
2. We would then work closely with you to develop user stories and ideas for your application, to sketch out all the features that you would like.
3. Following on from this, we will design each individual page for you.
4. Lastly, we will upload all of your designs into Figma or InVision where you will be able to use your product prototype as if it is a real-life platform, ready for display to clients and investors.

Digital UX and UI
We can develop a personalised UX and UI digital roadmap, best suited to your customer’s needs. We build scenarios based on your user-journey, and you get full control over all of your branding. Before we move onto the final stage, you get to review all of our ideas and interfaces, ensuring our process is fully transparent.
1. We meet with you to discuss what you need and your vision
2. We start to build the user experience and create user-stories, working closely with you
3. We use the user stories that we finalise with you to build your user experience and interface